Monday, December 3, 2012
Life happens, things change.
Looking at the date of my last post, and having read what I had written, I have to sit and just shake my head a little and say, "my, my, my". It is amazing how things can happen so quickly in life, and plans must be continually shifted to accomadate the changes. Shortly after the last post, my husband was hospitalized again, and spent another 5 weeks in, and then 4 more weeks home recovering, before being able to return to work. During this same time, our daughter lost her precious boyfriend in a car accident, and the grief and sorrows from that has caused us great pain to deal with, along with the set-backs that came with my husband being ill. We are now just beginning to be able to hold our heads up again, and trying our best to move forward. We have experienced many lonely days and have even felt fosaken by mankind, but our God has been faithful to us, through it all. Our faith is steadfast, though we have wavered in our own faithfulness, as humans so often do. The storm has been strong and fierce, but as with all storms, they must end at some point. The devestation that can be caused during a storm depends on the type and strength of it, and the aftermath of destruction that is left behind once the storm has passed is the evidence of its power. Sometimes it takes quite a while to fully recover, and it is during these times that we need the strength and encouragement of our fellow man. These are times when you find out just who you can depend on. We have been disappointed and sort of shocked at the lack of concern from some, but God has allowed others to come forth with hearts of gold and love that has helped us to look past those we thought would be there for us. We are moving forward, and will continue to pursue what God is calling us to do, and by saying that, I am meaning that once again we will be putting forth the effort to revive our personal ministries and begin to focus on those events instead of pursuing a business. I will keep my little creative hobby business just that, a hobby, and will pour myself into the true calling of my heart. Also, I am re-entering the workforce, and will hopefully have full-time employment very soon. I am very excited and thankful for this, as it will help us financially. One thing I am hoping very much to be able to do, especially once the new year begins, is to become an avid blogger, so that I can express myself in sharing my personal thoughts and life moments, and will welcome new followers who may want to stay connected. I plan to use facebook only for "need to know" information and a way to stay in touch with others. If you are new to my blog, welcome! If you are a faithful follower, I thank you for letting me be a part of your day. Here's to a wonderful holiday season! JESUS is the reason, and I celebrate Him!
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